I have a 2003 Scenic (99-2003 model) and want a new CD player, preferably with an input jack. Are there any models that will still allow me to use the remote control that is in the steering column? Thanks in advance.|||You would have to buy an adaptor wiring harness to be able to do that. Get advice on what would work with your car from a Halfords or a Car Audio specialist from the phone book.|||only ones made by renault|||No Jay there are many top name head units that will allow you some steering remote access if not all. I%26#039;ll brb I have to run up to my room to get a few catalogs. I%26#039;m sure but nothing pops out @ me right away. If you read this before I come back and answer tell me the price range you are looking for. Okay.
www.crutchfield.com they can answer all you car audio needs