I have a stock steering wheel on my bmw and if i changed it to a new steering wheel would my car feel stiffer? Or does the steering wheel have nothing to do with that and its all the suspension?|||Nah, %26#039;fraid not. It would be nice if it did though.|||the steering wheel has nothing to do with the way the car feels,drives.|||Change your outer tie rods with some high end ones and that should help stiffen up your steering wheel. But will not help with handling. For that you would have to get new shocks and springs.|||you might install a damper shock on the front axel, this will also stiffen up the turning or wondering. a smaller steering wheel just turns the front from left to right faster.|||It wont make an effect on the suspension but it will make a difference on the amount of effort it will take to steer it. Make sure the replacement steering wheel is the same diameter as the one you are replacing. Otherwise you may have to turn the wheel more to make the equivalent amount of turns on a stock steering wheel.|||It will change the grip
Now this:.And also if you go smaller it will be more quicker respond you will feel more like a racing car . Now if you go standard but better feel it will be like factory but like a said the grip if you go bigger than factory you will feel that you are driving a bus but a lot quicker on take off . Your arms will rest more because they are wider apart.
It is all about looks and what is right to have. Engineers go to a lot to come out whit the best for the car and some of us make some changes without thinking on the result in case of and emergency. They have a book on the best options that you can go that the manufacture said is ok .to have . @ the end you can get an adapter to fit any wheel in a car . You always learn how to compensate.I hope this will help you .i did some staff like that on some of my toys and it was ok for me no problem.|||smaller or biggger steering whell will change the way you steer but not how the car drives