I changed power steering fluid in my Toyota Tacoma 2000, then bleed the air out of the new fluid. I bleed by turning steering wheel right to left and left to right a few times. But when you are turning the steering wheel to bleed the fluid, you keep the p/s resevoir open or closed? If you keep it open, dirt and debris could go inside the reservoir. but if you keep it closed, the air may not be bled out of the fluid. Anyone got an idea? Thanks
When bleeding the power steering fluid in a car, do you keep the reservoir cap open or closed?
Keep it closed...unless you want power steering fluid all over your engine! Big air bubbles coming out of the lines will make the fluid spray hard in the resevoir and most like get all over the engine, belts, paint, etc...
Keeping the cap on is just fine...it does make it go slower, but it beats cleaning up fluid....just keep checking the fluid levels.
When bleeding the power steering fluid in a car, do you keep the reservoir cap open or closed?
I believe you keep it open. If it were closed then it would make it incredibly difficult to suck out the fluid. As long as there is no obvious debris near the reservoir you should be fine with the cap off. Bleed it like you bled the brake fluid.
i bled mine after changing the rack and pinion, never left the cap open, just checked it now and then to make sure it was full
leave it off so the air can escape.