check the fluid level
When turning to park the steering wheel gets hard and has noise, P/S pump casket was change Toyota Cresida 92?
make sure they flushed the system after they were done, an air bubble may have gotten in. check the fluid levels and leaks also.
When turning to park the steering wheel gets hard and has noise, P/S pump casket was change Toyota Cresida 92?
Is it sort of a %26quot;buzzing%26quot; sound? When fully turned, it is possibly %26quot;sucking air, - the buzzing noise is air and fluid going trough together! If the oil (PD fluid) is low, it fills the %26quot;rack%26quot; up - and then is too low for pump to be submerged in fluid- %26quot;fancy name%26quot; for this is %26quot;cavitating%26quot;! Possibly it wasn't totally filled when you had recent maitainance done? Keep %26quot;tabs%26quot; on fluid level for a while, - if you need to add often, you probably have a leak somewhere, - you may be able to see where,- by looking over all the hoses etc..
Fill tank,turn steering from lock to lock (fully both directions) a few times this will purge air out--, keep adding if nescessary till it is all clerared out and still full!