I had my two tires changed and balanced and also had my rims inspected. Everything looks great condition. The reason i had this work done was because i had a vibration in my steering wheel at speeds over 68 mph but after replaceing tires and inpecteding the rims, the viration is still there. What can it be?
2000 crown vic lx has a steering wheel vibration at speeds over 68mph?
Don't drive over 68 mph.
2000 crown vic lx has a steering wheel vibration at speeds over 68mph?
try your track rod s ends
or steering bushes
if it didnt change then it could be a bearing.... try your spare with one of the fronts or rotate tires to the rear to se e if it changes and still have a look at the weights that the tires took any of them big or if any are .... like a clock think nine to three oclock is ok for two weights but if they are below that they didnt do the job right
it might be a bad tie rod or ball joint.