my car did not move to the right or left
so i did change the steering wheel pump
but i does still not work
what can it be
it does a noise when i try to move it to the left
some helps thanks
Steering wheel pump some help?
Is the pump full of oil/fluid? If you just filled it up and then tried steering without looking, - you will find that the fluid level is too low to opearte the steering yet, - it was pumped down in system in about 2 seconds! And the noise you hear is sort of a cross between a %26quot;groan and buzzuing%26quot;! If fluid is too low, - it sucks some air in with power steering fluid, - and the escaping compressed bubbles make this noise!-- If you see little or no fluid down in pump through the %26quot;fill hole, - fill it up again, - turn all the way in each direction a couple times, and check again! By now it should be full after reapeated turning in both directions! Keep up the sequence till it stays at the %26quot;full mark on indicator inside %26quot;cover /cap%26quot;!
If this does not make the power steering work, then possibly you repalced the wrong part! By the way the noise you heard wasn't a %26quot;screeching%26quot; sound was it?-- If so your belt is probably too loose yet -- (you did put on belt didn't you?)!!
It is possible valves went bad in the steering unit itself, - these valves control pressure directions, - which aid your effort to turn wheel considerably! (Of course if fluid low they won't work either)! If Steering box is bad it will have to be repalced with a new one, rebuilt one, -or used one from salvage yard! What you buy may be governed by how new the car is, and how much money you have!