If im inporting a Toyota Supra from Japan by myself not through a dealer do i have to change the steering wheel or can i just smog it and pass all the inspections? can i jsut drive it the way it is? I live in California
Can we drive a car with the steering wheel on the Right.?
yes you can. There is no law stating that driving with a Right Handed Wheel is illegal as long as it has all the required signal/head/brake lights. It might have a problem passing emission controls though. However, it is highly recommended that you do not get a RHW because in North America, we drive on the right side of the road whereas in Europe/Asia, they drive on the left. If you take a RHW car and drive on the right handed side of the road, Left turns become increasingly difficult because you can no longer see oncoming traffic as clearly as if you were in a LHW car. Oncoming traffic is a lot more dangerous than right turns mainly because left turns we have to be aware of cars coming towards us whereas in right turns we just need to merge in.