I have a '94 Honda Accord CPE. I want to change the steering wheel to a sportier Acura one (TXS/RSX/etc). Will it fit? Are there any adapter kits I can buy?
Are there any Acura Steering Wheels that will fit my Accord?
I would probably take it to an Acura dealer to see if it will work at first. I would then go with the RDX steering wheel or TL steering wheel. I am not sure if there are an kits you could buy, but considering the age of the Accord and the newness in the steering wheel, there are bound to be buttons that will not work. The best advice I have is to go to the acura dealer.
Are there any Acura Steering Wheels that will fit my Accord?
What he said. =p
Probably, Acura is owned by Honda.