Friday, June 3, 2011

How do i change a steering wheel pump for a 1998 toyota corolla?

toyota wants to charge me around $600 for the service is that what it should cost to fix it or can i get it cheaper at another mechanic?|||i,d do it for a lot less

i paid $500 last year to have a (ford) alternator fitted last year but that included the alternator as well.

it,s an pretty simple job really.

on average they have only two nuts and the wiring and the battery that need undoing.

power steering is similarly easy

2 hoses need disconnecting

the fanbelt comes off

unbolt the p/s pump

then in reverse and fill with fluid.

so with todays market shop around as there will be someone who is also capable and needing that job but does not pay as much for the fancy real estate and can do it cheaper